A Glad Bed All of Your Own

Well before babies, before cooking, even before working out, came gardening. Again, Martha Stewart enters the room. I remember studying the TV so closely while drinking my coffee in the mornings, watching as she taught her viewers in depth the importance of soil, drainage, sunlight, and the sheer beneficial value of having something you grew…

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Papa’s Four-ingredient Marmalade

Do you feel that? Yep, it’s almost time. Springtime in New Orleans brings the most fragrant smells. One of the first things I bought myself when I “grew up” was Meyer lemon trees. You see, anyone who knows me personally knows that Martha Stewart taught me most of my comprehensive knowledge of how to be…

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A Tale of Two Grocers

Before I move forward, I’d like to start by saying my family and I are as New Orleans-bred as you can get. I like my iced tea like I like my King Cake. With a LOT of sugar. Another thing I enjoy is cooking for my family. My three kids and husband keep the grocery…

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Katrina Echos

It’s been 14 years and it still feels as if it happened a couple of years ago. Hurricane Katrina shook the entire South to its core. It single-handedly uprooted thousands of people, many of which never returned home, and affected the lives of everyone on the Gulf Coast in some way. The livelihoods of countless…

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