Papa’s Chicken Pot Pie

One of my FAVORITE dishes to make once the summer heat has given way to the brisk breezes that can cut right through ya’ is Chicken Pot Pie.
Y’all, trust me.
This unique rendition will not only leave you sneaking into the kitchen after the lights have turned off but your family will tell you to open a restaurant. Ha!
And because it’s so easy it makes me come back for more and more and more… OK, let me stop.
Growing up in southern Mississippi, our neighbor would bake this concoction and I would almost weep when it was finished.
Back then, it was made with that big brick of Velveeta and would clog anyone up that came two feet from it.
TMI? Maybe, but Papa’s here to tell ya.
You can EASILY make this recipe with a homemade cheese sauce that tastes EXACTLY like the orange brick!
First things first, we need to grab the different components which make it right.
Grocery List:
I can carrots
I can green peas
1 can of Rotel tomatoes and chilis
3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
3 russet potatoes
1 frozen can of Pillsbury biscuits
You CAN bake them homemade however from me to you- YOU CANNOT TASTE A DIFFERENCE.
1 bag of Rouses Sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 cup of fresh Rouses parmigiana cheese
1 tablespoon of butter
1 tablespoon of flour
3 cups est. of whole milk
Next, I like to do things as simply as possible so cleanup is easy.
In a big pot, I poach the chicken until cooked through.
After fully cooked I set the chicken aside and wash the pot so I can begin the next step.
Once chicken is cooled use cooking shears and cut into small pieces.
Some like to shred the chicken - if that’s your vibe, go for it!
Peel potatoes, dice, and boil them for 25-30 minutes. Check them to ensure they do not fall apart.
The longer you boil, the less integrity they will have.
Once boiled but still holding their shape, take off the heat, rinse with cold water, and set aside.
Preheat your oven to 375 degrees and place your biscuits on a cookie sheet or pan.
Bake until golden and spread melted butter on top then set aside to cool.
Then carefully split them in half.
In your washed pot, turn on med/hi heat and add one tablespoon of butter.
As it sizzles, add one tablespoon of flour.
Using a whisk, make sure all the corners of the pot are beginning to become more acquainted with one another.
Once the gravy forms, slowly add 1 cup of whole milk.
Using a rubber spatula, stir until bubbles form.
Add one whole package of Rouses Sharp Cheddar cheese along with the parmigiana, about 1/4 teaspoon of salt (or to taste) along with 5 twists of fresh cracked pepper.
Stir with your rubber spatula - making sure to incorporate everything so far.
Add milk as needed to keep the silky texture.
Once you have delicious cheesy goodness in front of you, start adding your canned veggies.
First - drain your rotel tomatoes into a bowl and keep about 1/3 of a cup of the actual vegetables.
Incorporate the juice as well as the tomatoes and chilis very well until completely acquainted.
Once the juice is completely mixed with the cheese, incorporate the carrots and peas.
Finally, add potatoes and chicken.
Add between a half and a full cup of milk. Stir the mixture until a silky and delicious goodness forms.
In a 9x9 Pyrex dish, layer the bottom with the bottoms of the biscuits.
Then, scoop the mixture layering the bottom of the biscuits until all the mixture is used.
Lastly, top with each biscuit top.
In a preheated 375-degree oven, bake for 20 minutes.
Use aluminum foil as needed.
Once completed- y’all, I hope you eat multiple servings of this. And remember, this is SO much better for you than plastic cheese.
Let me know how you like it!